Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Changes Day 2. Eating healthy

This is day 2, and i am here to give the report of the day. First i gotta say that most of the time the preparation is what makes everything hard. Someone once said that an organised person is the one who plans 80% of the time and 20% is carrying it out. so i had to research and see how i can improve myself, preparation is the key. And in terms of food here is what i do;

1. prepare my meals before i sleep. Preparing the things that will not perish or not be fresh the next day. Foe example, for salads, prepare the veges the day before and then refrigerate. When you are ready to eat you just add dressing. Microwaveable food containers will come in handy. If the food needs warming, you just put it in the microwave and they are ready to eat.

2. plan your meals well in time. For you to prepare the food, you got to have a plan, a meal plan of what you will be eating. This will help you to have a variety of meals, know what to buy when you go shopping an also help you with eating at the right times. Most of the time i just eat any junk because there is no binding schedule or plan to show me what i should be eating, so anything that is quick and near is OK. Planning is the solution to finding yourself in the McD drivethru.

Today's meal
I ate the same thing for lunch and dinner, There is room for improvement.. Okay here is what i should have done, i should have separated the food,i should have ate the green salad and the fish together and the other salads together. Well,Next time!

The green salad
Green Pepper
Olive oil
Black pepper
*for this salad, what ever that works for you, this is what works for me.
Slice the tomatoes, cabbage, green peppers into strips and the cucumber cut them in a normal way. The lettuce should be cut into small chew-able pieces. Mix everything in a salad bowl, then add vinegar and droplets of olive oil to taste and some black pepper to taste. Its ready!

Beetroots salad
Boil beetroots until they are well cooked. Peel them and grate them. Slice a quarter of an onion into thin strips and put them in the grated beets. Add a spoon of sugar and a pinch of salt to the beets then add vinegar and mix it all together. Done.

Pumpkin salad
Wash the pumpkin, then add a small amount of water, like 3 tablespoons of water and add some sugar, around three table spoons. When the pumpkin is ready and well cooked, add butter to it and mash it until its soft like shown in the picture. You have your pumpkin salad

Olive oil
Peel potatoes and cut them into small pieces and boil them, when they are just about ready, add some olive oil droplets and let them fry a bit, add pepper and salt to taste and they are ready.

Steamed Salmon Fish
Lemon/ vinegar
Olive oil
Rub the salmon with lemon or vinegar, pepper, salt and olive oil, then steam the fish until its ready. After the fish is ready, i dish it on a bed of onions because of the smell.

 The complete dish!

I will write about how i plan my meals and what i have for snack tomorrow! God bless!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Changes...A healthy lifestyle!

My tertiary school life was filled with the desire to be healthy, but it never happened. I always had excuses to give or maybe i was just not faithful enough to my planned routines. Keeping healthy requires a lifestyle change, discipline and determination. Its challenging and one can be easily discouraged by the slow change and unnoticeable changes that are taking place. So one needs to be determined to embark in this journey of no return.
A desire to change was all i had and it remained as a desire. I kept on postponing it to a further date with quite reasonable(to me anyway) excuses; i still have more time, let me enjoy this time for now, school life does not allow such commitment, my housemates will be affected if i change my lifestyle, i do not have enough money to support the new life and many more.Are they reasonable?

These excuses costed me four years filled with a fruitless desire to change my lifestyle to become more healthy. I am in my final year now still... no change. I am still the same Pamela i was, but i feel robbed by my own excuses and procrastination. I desire to feel different and look different as well as do things differently but i just never seem to start and commit to my routines. I had to develop a new approach and tactic towards this. Do you know why i stress this too much? Because if affects my whole life; my decisions, my ambitions, what i can or cannot do, my husband and kids will also be affected by this. If i can't start living a healthy lifestyle right now, what makes me think i will be able to when i am much older, having too many responsibilities and other people's lives to think about? really, how will i be able to make such changes with all those responsibilities if i can't make them now when i only have myself to think about?tell me, how???

Healthy lifestyle
To me this encompasses every department of my life; physical health, finances, mental health, spiritual life, social life, family, friends dreams and all other things that are my life. Healthy means balanced to me, being in a good state, organised, functioning wealth, ready to defend when problems come. That is healthy to me and a healthy lifestyle is achieving all that in every department of my life. is it feasible? i say YES. A BIG FAT YES!! because through Christ i can do all things because its HIM who gives me strength. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! and you what, i am going to achieve all this. I am determined to go through the changes, because in order to change,i gotta go through some changes. Pastor William Murphy III, changes. That's ma song! I have decided that i will blog about this. and whoever wants to join or start up their own changes journey, do it. It might not be the same as mine but you do feel that you need a change in your life. Do it. it might be breaking free from the lifestyle of drinking, smoking and clubbing, do it. it might be running away from what you know you are suppose to do, do it. It might be turning your life around and surrendering to God, do it. It might be getting a job and starting a responsible lifestyle, do it. Taking care of that child that you abandoned for such a long time, do it You. Taking your walk with Christ more serious, do it. You know the changes you need in your life. Go right ahead and do it. Through CHRIST you can do all things.
Here are some of the photos of what i ate today for lunch as a new start in a new day to a new lifestyle. 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20....my body is the Temple of the Holy spirit who is in me..... i am changing my diet!
An attempt of
chef salad
Olive oil
Chicken breasts
Cut some broccoli and cauliflower into mouth fitting chunks and  thin slice carrots then steamed all the veges together. Add a  pinch of salt and droplets of Olive oil. 

With the chicken, cut it into strips then boil ity to cook. Add droplets of oil to brown it a bit. Then toss it around salad to give it the meaty touch. It ready!

Yogurt Coleslaw
Natural yogurt
Thinly slice raw cabbage would for normal coleslaw, cut the tomatoes into strips and  slice the cucumbers normally. Mix them together in a salad bowl and add some raisins and dress them with natural yogurt. And you have your meal. 

please overlook the presentation of the food, it will improve with time.

My breakfast was just a banana raisins milk shake which unfortunately i didn't snap.
Banana Raisins Milkshake
Soya Milk (any milk you prefer)

Cut the banana into three pieces then put in the blender, throw in some raisins, half a hand full will be enough. Pour a 3 quarter full cup of milk. then blend until its smooth. You got yourself a banana raisins

Be blessed!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

You Called...

This is a poem i wrote in one of our church camps, Bible conference March 11-13 2011 to be exact. Check it out:

You called and i heard your voice
Heard it but not for myself
I heard your voice for my brethren and my friends
For my sister seated at the right corner
For my brother in the yellow shirt
You called and i heard your voice
but not for myself

You called and i heard your voice
but i was busy looking at the latest fashion
I was still trying to update myself with the latest news on yahoo
"who did what, where and why"
I was caught up with makeup nails and twee-zing my eye brows

you see when your call came my nails were still wet with nail polish to answer your call
I still had 5 more lines to go on my cornrows
I was still undecided on which shade of pink will go perfectly with my eye shadows
you called
and i heard
but i was still busy

you called and i heard your voice
But i couldn't respond.
My skirt was too short for me to kneel down
I had my 'Sissy Boy'  white pants on, to kneel down
When you called i couldn't answer though i heard your call

God you called and i couldn't answer
'cause brother man was still checkin' me out, for me to break down in tears of repentance
Daddy when you called, i heard you but i had a reputation to protect
I had 'Self' to worry about

Oh Lord you called for me, but i had all sorts of reasons why i couldn't answer
By now Daddy please call again
i have all sorts of reasons to answer
call again cause self is dead

Many times we hear God call us in different ways but we always have reasons to NOT answer the call. It could be our lifestyles, our circle of friends, our habits that we are still nursing or our sins we still wanna hold on to.

But God does call for us, through that sister who is always bothering you about coming to church, through that brother who always tells you that Jesus loves you, through that classmate of yours who invites you to endless programs in your church, through that desire you always have to want to change through that still small voice from within that tells you the time of change is now. God wants you and He call for you just as you are but The decision is your, will you answer the call??
He says "Here I am i stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, i will come in and eat with Him and he with me." Revelations 3:20. Will you answer the call?will you open the door and let Him come in? Will you invite Him in your heart? in your life?

Why don't you pray this prayer and answer the call, and invite Jesus into your life
say " Dear God
        I admit that i am a sinner
        please forgive me and change me
        I acknowledge that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sin,
        and came to life again on the third day
        Right now,
        I invite Jesus to my life.
       And i accept Him as my personal Lord and Savior
If you have prayed that prayer, congratulations!! you are now a born again child of God " If any man be in Christ, He is a new creation. Old things have passed away behold all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5: 17. You have answered the call and have welcomed Jesus to dine with you. I encourage you to take another step of faith and look for a Bible teaching church and join the family of God. The Bible says there is Joy in Heaven as you give your life to Christ, (Luke 15:7). A welcome Home party just for you. Congratulations!!!

I would also like to hear form you about write me at  lrtmolema@yahoo.com and tell me about your experience. Once again CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Lemon Water 

My friend cousin gave me this little tip that is well spoken of; drinking lemon water before breakfast. That might not sound too appealing but the benefits of this tip are wonderful.

Lemon water has a lot of benefits to your health and even your skin. 

     'It triggers hydro-chloric acid production which happens to   be a great help in food digestion.'

Hydro-chloric acid helps in breaking down of foods to enable digestion and better absorption. The molecules of food that enter the stomach are quite big, if they are not broken down, digestion will hardly take place and most definitely, no absorption.

'it gives your metabolism to a great boost for the day'

as we grow older, our metabolism slows down and this will lead to gaining of weight. Lemon water is one of the ways to give your metabolism a boost to avoid any effects of a slow metabolism.

'it helps the Liver function much better'

The bitterness of the mixture helps the liver in its function and detoxification. If the liver is not functioning well, a lot of complications may arise; low energy, poor complexion, hormonal imbalance to mention a few. So the liver needs to be active and healthy, just so you know, the liver cannot be replaced long term.

Try this, warm water with a squeeze of lemon (amount depending on how much bitterness you can withstand) and drink up 20 minutes before you take your breakfast. Note that after a few days of using this tip, you might feel a little worse, CHILLEX, this is due detoxification that maybe your liver hasn't been able to do well. After that time of feeling worse, there will be great benefits.

Try it, give it time and enjoy its awesome benefits!!! 

Remember 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

 God bless you

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The treasures that are hidden

Its been a long time i know, bit this post will explain why...in a way!
When we talk of treasure our minds run to jewelry, money, etc. But i have come to realize that those are really not treasures but they can be stealer's of true treasure. We tend to trade the true treasure for these things and then we get to mistake them for treasure. Treasure simply means valuable things! what is valuable to you? How have you been showing that it is valuable?

There is a system in the world that we get assimilated in, its as if at birth you are already incorporated in it. Here are the stages in the system:
1. Get an education
2. Get a job
3. Get a house and a car
4. Get married and have a family
5. Accumulate more of the houses and cars as well as a lot of money.
6. Get some status in the community or socially
7. Raise your kids to follow the same cycle
How many of us are on the track of fulfilling this cycle? i Know, a lot.But is this it? i mean life? is this as good as it gets? shouldn't there be more to it?
The truth is that there is more to life and there is more to living than just accumulating wealth and becoming somebody to other somebodies. The devil has trapped us in this fast lane life that we don't even see the precious things in life: People, family, friends, bonding times, serving others, bringing hope to the hopeless, bringing a smile to the gloomy faces, enjoying nature and its beauty (taking sometime to smell the roses), being nice to others for no reason, helping out the poor etc..you get the drift! Doing things that will bring fulfillment to you and change lives.

I have come to know that time is treasure, people are treasure, family is treasure, peace is treasure, joy is treasure, happiness is treasure.ITS IS THE SMALL THINGS THAT MATTER!!!

Just indicate, look at your mirrors for behind vehicles and shift lanes, get on the slower lane. Take some time off your busy schedule,park your car by the road side, talk to that Old lady selling oranges, ask her how she is doing, encourage her, pray for her hug her and tell her how important she is!

Miss that huge conference, get your child from school, take them to the playground, get dirty with them and enjoy their company, be a child once again!

Cook a nice carefully prepared meal, get your car and pick as many street kids as you can, invite them into that marble floored living room of yours, let them seat on those suede velvet dining chairs of yours and treat them as high class visitors with your meal!

Get off the fast lane and enjoy your life, feel your heart with joy for once instead of your pockets or your bank account. We miss out on life running after things that will never bring us true fulfillment. Love, serve, spend time, pray for people. Thats how Jesus spent His time!!!!

True treasures are Hidden, find them in your own life and go after them, you will never regret it!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

simplicity, love...

Life has become very complicated, it is no more as simple as it used to be, thus complicated. A lot of things now complicate our lives and enslave us. What happened to just living and loving, appreciating what you have and being thankful?

We live to gain wealth now, do whatever it takes to get rich and gain status and respect. The more you get the more you want and the more you push and toil to get. we even forget to take time and enjoy what we have already with thanksgiving. Today we get parents leaving behind their families to study in far places for 10 years to gain a lot of qualifications and be well respected and honored in their places. Money controls people's lives and pulls them up and down making them forget their loved ones, reaping a mother from her child and breaking marriages. It is no more something that made things easier but it makes everything complicated and even painful.

Money has polluted even the most beautiful thing of all, love. Love used to be an innocent thing that required no condition, it just took the heart and letting it flourish without struggle. But now we have socio-economic class, education and even background setting conditions for love. People now marry for what they can gain, its no more love that brings people together. "He is a good man and i love him, but what can he give me?" isn't love enough? isn't love the requirement for marriage? The words "love you forever" have no meaning anymore, its "love you as long as you are rich forever".

What happened to simplicity? was it not working? It managed to keep the love of a husband and a wife burning, to keep families together and siblings intact .But now you find siblings fighting and plotting one another's death over spilled milk because the simplicity of love and just having each other does not exist anymore. It has been replaced by greed, competition and power.
Love while you still can, appreciate what you got and those around you. Money cannot buy happiness, it only turns one into a greedy monster. Give thanks for all you got and let it bring you closer to your loved ones not apart. Learn to minister through love, Unconditional love. This world is full of surprises, you ill never know what tomorrow brings, that is if tomorrow comes!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Read the Bible for yourself

e need to learn to read the Bible for ourselves. Read the scripture and let it talk to your life. We need to read the Bible for ourselves and not rely on other people, read and ask the Holy spirit to explain the scriptures for you, not always relying on other people. The word of God is a guide, a campus for our lives, it should direct our path. Psalm 119:105"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."

We should dig into the scriptures ourselves and get the message and with the guide of the Holy spirit practice it in our own lives. What you receive from the Bible is not exactly what i will receive because our lives are different and we need different things, so we might read the same scripture and get different interpretations of it depending on the season of our lives. Not reading the Bible for yourselves can be very dangerous especially when you get to meet up with people who lie and cheat others using the Bible. Read for yourself and get wise.Do not be deceived. watch the following videos...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Where are you headed???

Life can be so many things, meaningful especially when things are going well, depressing when you are going through fiery challenges and just okay when there isn't much pressure in your everyday life. Its a roller coaster, different speed at different parts of the ride, but even a roller coaster is ridden for fun, but why are we doing life? why are we living? where are we going with his life? why do we have to go through such traumatizing experiences? for what?

You see when you do not know why you have to do something, its totally meaningless and everything leads to weariness. The reason why we suffer in life is because we lack direction, so it appears that difficulties is only torture in our lives as we never get to see the benefits of the difficulties in our lives.Some of these challenges and pains are brought about by abuse, we tend to abuse our lives because we do not know why we are living.

"When purpose is unknown, abuse in inevitable"

When you know why you are living, you will have a direction at least to where you are going and you will be able to trace your challenges t your goal, where you are going.It is when you know where you are headed that you will realize that all your challenges are equipping you for what is ahead of you. You will realize that the challenges no matter how cruel they may seem, they are all working together for your good Romans 8: 28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Nothing JUST happens, but all things happen for a reason, but you will never know why they have to happen because you do not relate them with anything, but when you relate them with where you are going, you will know that the certainly is a reason for everything happening the way they are happening and at that time as well.

And you will even get to appreciate challenges when you know where you are headed because you know you definately need the training if you want to do the best job when the time comes. So, WHAT DRIVES YOU? where are you going? why do you exist? what is you purpose in this life? Stop living aimlessly and working hard for perishables, it is not a wise investment. Rather invest in things that are priceless and will last forever. Matthew 6: 20 "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."Stop being myopic and look beyond what you see. Colossians 3:1-2"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Stop living and live for God, stop being just a Christian and be a kingdom minded Christian, desire to see the kingdom of God advance!!!