A thought life->> thinking... Its not so popular but its done by the majority. We think always and we think a lot about a lot for a lot of reasons. We all have a thought life.
Just like this life, we each live our thought lives differently and therefore we get different results from our thoughts. To think of something just like many things in life is a decision as well. We have the free will to choose what to think and what not to think and what you end up doing thing with what pops in your mind will be determined by the decision you make. To entertain the thought or to toss it away. oh yah, the decision can also be how to handle what ever that pops into your mind. To which extent are you gonna pull it to, its your choice, a choice you make within those milliseconds you have before proceeding with thinking the thought, analyzing it , pondering upon it and even allowing it to affect your emotions and attitude.
A lot of things start just as thoughts and end up as something huge. Like a bulb, it all started as a thought and now its something very useful. Clothes, recipes, cars, fashion, banks, stores, blogs, internet...very useful things. But even other things which don't have so good impact to our lives also started just as a thought. Rape, murder, theft, jealousy, laziness, procrastination, pride, etc. All these things started just as a thought and have different impacts in our lives.
Your thoughts have different impact in your life as well, the lives of people around you and it so much dictates your behavior, attitude and even mood(James 1:14-15"Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death").
for example a thought comes to you, " i think so and so does not like me" you have a choice to dwell on that and think it through or to toss it off. When you choose to take it further you start looking for things to back up that thought, " she really doesn't like me, the way she was looking at me, during the meeting shows it all. and yesterday when i waved at her she just looked somewhere else. mmhhh, she doesn't like me. during break time when she was with A, they were laughing and as i approached they stopped laughing.ok, i will treat her just like she treats me..." then you tell your mind, " i don't like her either"
You are gonna start hating somebody whom you have assumed hates you and you hate them back (James 4:1"What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you?"). You choose to entertain a negative thought and allowed it to change your behavior and feelings towards that so and so. but you had a choice to take you deal with this thought in a different manner. " i think so and so doesn't like me" then you make a choice not to entertain it " nah, it can't be true, she does like me. I choose to believe the best of her". And nothing affects your relationship with so and so.
What i am saying here is be careful of what thoughts you entertain in your mind. they reflect outside through your behavior, moods, even your talk. Let us choose the right thoughts and keep our minds free from hatred, from malice, from slander, from lust, and any evil thing that the devil is trying to attack you with out there(Mark 7:21-22"For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly "). Take care of your thought life and your behavior, moods, talk, attitude and spirit will be safe. Your mind is the office of your body and behavior, if its unclean, your behavior will be rotten and your attitude will stink. Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."
Don't fantasize about sin, thinking that your thoughts are harmless. When you cherish sin in your heart, you put a wedge between yourself and God.Psalm 66:18 "If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened."
Take care of your thought life, think pure thoughts, choose what your feed on that which affects the mind, music, books, movies, anything that gets you thinking. The road to sin starts in your mind,ask yourself, is God pleased with my thoughts??stay blessed!!!
to be continued.
well said