Monday, April 28, 2014

Prince Charming, where are you??

This is a question I seem to be asking myself daily. When I hear a friend is getting married or someone is in a relationship I ask myself: When will it be my turn? When will I be the one getting engaged, walking hand in hand with my man, planning a wedding, calling someone my husband, where is my prince charming?

This has been my focus. This has been my concern and my number one complaint. Where is he! I have focused so much on this like its my only reason for existence. I feel like I should be in a relationship to signify some sort of growth or maturity. I have likened this to being a mature woman who is considered ready for life because she has achieved or attained some sort of growth level that now qualifies her to be a wife. I have placed it so high and the people who are there already, I see them as having achieved a great deal. Sure they have, they are married, they have something I am yet to have, A husband.

The time I spend obsessing and thinking about marriage is more than the time I spend preparing my self for it. Reading myself to be a better wife a better partner or even getting closer to God in general. I spend most time living in the future and just dreaming about the 'going to bes' than living a life worthy of the gospel right now. If the credits were to roll today, and its the end of everything, I know I will have so many regrets but the greatest of them all will be, I did not live. I will feel robbed of time by the dreams I spend most of my time in than the actual life I am supposed to be living, living for God, worshipping Him and serving Him. Come to think of it, by the time those dreams come to pass, am I even going to enjoy them since I've spent too much time thinking about them?

I need to change. I need change and I need it right now. I need to appreciate where I am at the moment and start making a mark on it. I should stop being too focused on what I don't have and appreciate what I have and make most of the time in my singleness to serve God, grow closer to God and develop a relationship that is strong with Him. Its like I have grown dependence on my husband even before I meet him. This is the case with most of the single ladies in Christ, we become too anxious about married life and we totally forget to grow in Christ while we are still single and have the time and energy to.

1 Corinthians 7:34 (NIV)... An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband.

Paul put this in a much clearer statement above. As a single person our focus is on God, wanting to please Him and doing everything according to His will but as a wife there is a husband in the picture that you want to please, kids that you to take care of and guide. Within that there can be a loss of focus on what's important to one as an individual. I am not against marriage, look at the title of this post, hehe! But when it comes to one's relationship with God, marriage can be a hindrance or a hump. Its Good or advisable to set the pace while still single and make a mark while you still make the decisions alone and have only yourself to think about. God wants us to be happy and He will give us the desires of our hearts, but we must learn to wait and while waiting Serve him, worship Him and focus on that. Wouldn't it be nice when you are so swamped up in serving and worshipping Him, then he pats you on the shoulder and say ''My child, here is someone to share the journey with you, He got the keys of your heart from me.'' That journey of service, of seeking His face. I tell you if its from God then that partner will be a perfect fit into your ministry and will be an encouragement in your service for God. Isn't that more beautiful?

God I want you to write my love story. I am just not creative enough to write it myself, I do not trust myself to pick the characters and I know the story that comes from you will always have a beautiful worthy ending, within your will and with the right focus in your kingdom. My father, Please write my love story, in the meantime, I will serve you, I will worship you.

Isaiah 40:31 (KJV) But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Stay blessed.

Love Pam...