When we talk of treasure our minds run to jewelry, money, etc. But i have come to realize that those are really not treasures but they can be stealer's of true treasure. We tend to trade the true treasure for these things and then we get to mistake them for treasure. Treasure simply means valuable things! what is valuable to you? How have you been showing that it is valuable?
There is a system in the world that we get assimilated in, its as if at birth you are already incorporated in it. Here are the stages in the system:
1. Get an education
2. Get a job
3. Get a house and a car
4. Get married and have a family
5. Accumulate more of the houses and cars as well as a lot of money.
6. Get some status in the community or socially
7. Raise your kids to follow the same cycle
How many of us are on the track of fulfilling this cycle? i Know, a lot.But is this it? i mean life? is this as good as it gets? shouldn't there be more to it?
The truth is that there is more to life and there is more to living than just accumulating wealth and becoming somebody to other somebodies. The devil has trapped us in this fast lane life that we don't even see the precious things in life: People, family, friends, bonding times, serving others, bringing hope to the hopeless, bringing a smile to the gloomy faces, enjoying nature and its beauty (taking sometime to smell the roses), being nice to others for no reason, helping out the poor etc..you get the drift! Doing things that will bring fulfillment to you and change lives.
I have come to know that time is treasure, people are treasure, family is treasure, peace is treasure, joy is treasure, happiness is treasure.ITS IS THE SMALL THINGS THAT MATTER!!!
Just indicate, look at your mirrors for behind vehicles and shift lanes, get on the slower lane. Take some time off your busy schedule,park your car by the road side, talk to that Old lady selling oranges, ask her how she is doing, encourage her, pray for her hug her and tell her how important she is!
Miss that huge conference, get your child from school, take them to the playground, get dirty with them and enjoy their company, be a child once again!
Cook a nice carefully prepared meal, get your car and pick as many street kids as you can, invite them into that marble floored living room of yours, let them seat on those suede velvet dining chairs of yours and treat them as high class visitors with your meal!
Get off the fast lane and enjoy your life, feel your heart with joy for once instead of your pockets or your bank account. We miss out on life running after things that will never bring us true fulfillment. Love, serve, spend time, pray for people. Thats how Jesus spent His time!!!!
True treasures are Hidden, find them in your own life and go after them, you will never regret it!!!