Life has become very complicated, it is no more as simple as it used to be, thus complicated. A lot of things now complicate our lives and enslave us. What happened to just living and loving, appreciating what you have and being thankful?
We live to gain wealth now, do whatever it takes to get rich and gain status and respect. The more you get the more you want and the more you push and toil to get. we even forget to take time and enjoy what we have already with thanksgiving. Today we get parents leaving behind their families to study in far places for 10 years to gain a lot of qualifications and be well respected and honored in their places. Money controls people's lives and pulls them up and down making them forget their loved ones, reaping a mother from her child and breaking marriages. It is no more something that made things easier but it makes everything complicated and even painful.
Money has polluted even the most beautiful thing of all, love. Love used to be an innocent thing that required no condition, it just took the heart and letting it flourish without struggle. But now we have socio-economic class, education and even background setting conditions for love. People now marry for what they can gain, its no more love that brings people together. "He is a good man and i love him, but what can he give me?" isn't love enough? isn't love the requirement for marriage? The words "love you forever" have no meaning anymore, its "love you as long as you are rich forever".
What happened to simplicity? was it not working? It managed to keep the love of a husband and a wife burning, to keep families together and siblings intact .But now you find siblings fighting and plotting one another's death over spilled milk because the simplicity of love and just having each other does not exist anymore. It has been replaced by greed, competition and power.
Love while you still can, appreciate what you got and those around you. Money cannot buy happiness, it only turns one into a greedy monster. Give thanks for all you got and let it bring you closer to your loved ones not apart. Learn to minister through love, Unconditional love. This world is full of surprises, you ill never know what tomorrow brings, that is if tomorrow comes!!!