Sunday, March 18, 2012

Surrounding yourself with greatness part 2

If you did not read the first part of Surrounding yourself with greatness, read it here

4. Does the person know you?
We can hang around with people for ages but that does not necessarily guarantee that the person knows you. So when choosing a friend make sure that they know you, know dreams, know the weaknesses you face, know what makes you tick, what appals you e.t.c. Having a friend who knows you saves you from all the frustration of being misunderstood about basic things, issues that concern interests and all (maybe not always, so please thing of really basic things). So your friend should know you in order to help you when you are not being yourself or when you are doing things that will hurt your dreams.

5. Is the person faithful and trust worthy?
Faithful to you and to the friendship; is the person there when you need them the most? Is the relationship reciprocal or you are just giving but never receiving? Can you trust your friend? Friends stick closer to you, and we spend most of our time with our friends than we do with our families. You therefore should be able to trust your friend with the matters of your life, things you can never tell you just anyone. If you are not yet married, at some point you will and you will have kids, so your friends should be people that you can trust with your kids, your husband. Will they be good role models to your kids? Kids watch their parents as they interact with their friends and they learn things from their parents' friends. So look into that as well when you choose a friend.

6. Does the person love you?
Your friend is suppose to love you. It is through love that we manage to do things for other people without measure, without wanting anything in return. I am not saying look for friends that you will use, no, but people that love you and do things for you based on love, not looking for benefits. Love, the Bible says it always trusts, always hopes...(1 Corinthians 18:4-8). So imagine if your friend has that kind of love towards you, what kind of friendship will you have? Look at the example of one of the greatest friendships ever in 1 Samuel 18:1-3, the friendship of Jonathan and David.

These are definitely NOT the only things to look at when choosing a friend and i hope i have given you a clue of what to look at when choosing a friend. So add on, amend them to suit you. Perhaps you can even share with me more things to look at.

AND as you look you look for a friend with good qualities, make sure that you are playing your part as well, change all "the person should" to "I should" and work at your own character too. You are likely to attract people that are like you, so assess yourself, pray to God to change you, and be the best person you can ever be.

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God bless you!

Surrounding yourself with greatness!

Friendship to me as a child growing up was just a network of playmates, cousins, and classmates i preferred to be around. It never was an issue of importance because if it wasn't working with one friend i will simply move to the next person. And growing up, it was very easy to make friends. All you gotta do was to offer them a sweet, walk with them or just simply be nice to them. Friendship was an easy thing to get in and out of.

But as i grow up friendship became more meaningful to me and complicated. It became very hard to make friends and of-course to keep them. The reason being that now friendship ain't about offering somebody a sweet, its much deeper than that. Friendship is now not about just hanging with people but it has to be the right people, the best amongst the rest. Friendship is now a relationship in which things are shared, advises are made or required, time is spent together e.t.c. and this requires not just anybody but people of certain qualities. There are criterion that I feel a child of God should follow or look into when choosing a friend. At least this is what i look at when deciding on friendships

1. Is the person Godly?
As a lady who wants to become a woman of God, I feel its important that my friends be Godly people. Friendship can be very intimate, you share your emotions and your dreams with your friends. So for me, that person has to be Godly, a person who fears God. not a person who will be backstabbing you whenever you share your dreams. There are dream thieves and dream killers out there and its easy for a person who does not have the fear of God to do that. So we need to surround ourselves with people who fear God and share the same values with you
Also, a God fearing person will help you grow spiritually. If you choose people who are not Godly, they do not have interest in the things of God and will not stir up that hunger for God within you or the edge to wanna grow more spiritually. Instead ungodly friends can even make you fall off your Godly ways. 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."

2.Does the person give good/Biblical counsel?
As I explained above that friends are people we share our grievances, happinesses, successes e.t.c with, so they should be Godly. This also so because as we share whatever we go through with our friends, we get advises, opinions, comforts, rejoices whether we ask for them or not (that's what friendship is for anyway, right?). Therefore if our friends are gonna give us al that, it has to be good and what is more good than Biblically based counsel? our friends need to give us counsel that will take us back to the cross, that pleases the Lord, that will keep us on the track with God. Proverbs 12:26; The godly give good advice to their friends; the wicked lead them astray.

3. Is the person honest with you
I do not believe in friendship that is based on lies, on fear and inequality, whereby one person is like the boss and the other is the follower, that is not friendship is just ruler-ship (hehe, I wanna use this word). There is a ruler and a follower, that is not friendship. Friendship is equality between friends. Not in reference to education, spirituality, or economically e.t.c, no I mean in the friendship itself. We should be equal and there should be respect not fear. Is the person you consider a friend someone who can tell you when you are wrong, without hiding anything, without being afraid to hurt you? I personally prefer a friend who will correct me than the one who will give me a kudos while I'm headed for a shipwreck. Is that even a friend? Proverbs 27:5-6; An open rebuke is better than hidden love! Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy. Proverbs 27:9;The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.

Get the part two of this here